Brrrr…Winter Pool Care and Football in Central Florida
Unless your swimming pool is equipped with a Heat Pump, Gas Heater or even roof-mounted Solar Panels along with a solar cover to blanket your pool, not much swimming is going on in most backyards here in Central Florida. But, for all you do-it-yourselfers out there, run thru this quick checklist to keep track of your swimming pool needs during this time of year. Keep testing water chemistry and adjust, but remember, chlorine need decreases due to low water temperature and no bather load. Shorten pump running time to 6 hrs./day and save a couple bucks. Empty debris from skimmers and pump baskets, insuring the heart of your system is pumping as it should. Vac, brush, and dip debris out, when needed, to stay ahead and minimize any springtime cleanup. Now you can kick back and relax, knowing it’s great to visually enjoy a clean and circulating pool from the cozy confines of your family room, in front of a big screen TV, watching some fantastic football!