Swimming Pool News, Hints & Tips


It’s that time of year!

It’s that time of year here in Florida when we begin to not think of our swimming pools!  Even though we may not enjoy swimming in our cooler pools, we need to keep the beautiful ambience during the holiday season with crystal clear and debris free water.  Use a leaf cannister with your vaccum to trap excessive leaves and to prevent a clogged skimmer line.  Also available is a leaf bagger, that utilizes your garden hose pressure to gather up lots of leaves that fall this time of year! 

Still don’t forget about your overall pool water chemistry.  In between all that dipping and vaccuming of any leaves beginning to fall, remember that your water chemistry still needs attention, but just not as often during the colder season.  Bring a water sample into our retail store for a free water test,  and at that time  consider a new thermometer.  Better yet, check out our unsinkable pool floats, during our  end of season sale….these make  great Christmas gifts!

Beautiful days and cooler nights “chill” down our pool water temperature. One heat retaining option that is available and worth trying are the Liquid Solar Fish, available in our retail store.  Used monthly, they release a harmless  substance that will cut down on nighttime evaporation that leads to significant heat loss.  Remember though, this product will not heat your pool, only insulate it.

One last hint….check your pool light before the holidays so you can show off all your hard winter work during those  holiday parties.  Call our retail store and we can walk you through it,  or write up a service call and we’ll do  it for you!

Now…get out and enjoy the beautiful Central Florida fall weather!